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Dr. Debra Foxfern

Craniosacral Chiropractic

trauma informed & gender affirming

Meet Dr. Debra

You’re in good hands

Dr. Debra brings a unique blend of being kind, resourceful, and inclusive. She/they helps people deepen their mind-body connection through Craniosacral therapy, Organ Massage, Biogeometric Integration, and Chiropractic bodywork. Her/their background includes a doctorate from Life Chiropractic College West with clinical honors, a teaching credential from Cal State East Bay, and a B.S. in Conservation from UC Berkeley. Most importantly, what truly has you in good hands is that Dr. Debra always begins and ends each session by returning your body to a state of safety and presence.


Long-lasting results occur when the body and mind are witnessed in their trauma. From this place of respectful listening, Dr. Debra acts as a guide on the side, helping you grow and evolve into new, resilient ways of being in the world. Areas of focus include hydraulic forces of the brain, joint biomechanics, muscle strains, somatic emotional holding patterns, and organ immobilization. Daily activities and sudden events can traumatize these areas, with neurological feedback loops holding the tension in place. Most of these feedback loops never reach the conscious section of the brain, making it difficult to release on one's own.


Overall, this systems-based approach makes your sessions remarkably effective. Previous patients have found support with headaches, shoulder pains, menstrual cramps, back pain, neck pain, and emotional capacity.


Before pursuing chiropractic, Debra embarked on two unique paths as a Title I teacher and a botanical surveyor. This helped them be heart-centered while being determined to find holistic solutions to problems. Don’t be shy to strike up a conversation about plants, hiking trails, or music the next time you’re in the office!

oakland, berkeley, san francisco, east bay, chiropractic craniosacral

Here to Help


Concussions, migraines, TMJ,  sinus, brain fog, connection to a higher vision.

Shoulders, Elbows, Hands

Rotator cuff, dislocations, thoracic outlet, tennis & golfer elbow, carpal tunnel, trigger finger, connection to creating beauty. 

Low Back & Legs

Sciatica, disc herniation, hip pain, connection to community & finances. 

Imagine what's possible when your mind-body is at its optimal power.


Whiplash, posture, thyroid, speaking your power.


Indigestion, IBS, menses, scoliosis, posture, tight psoas, ribs, connection to self-expression.

Knees & Feet

Knee bursitis, patellofemoral pain, shin splints, bunions, flat or high arches, connection to source.

oakland, berkeley, san francisco, east bay, chiropractic craniosacral

Beyond the Call of Duty

"Simply put, Debra was the best I’ve had. With chronic neck and back pain that I need treated weekly, Debra has been the only one to give me days where I have zero pain. As a person who is legally blind, Debra makes you feel like she is a friend you have known for years. I can go on and on, but just know that if you choose them, you will be getting someone who will go beyond the call of duty."

Comic book lover, Numbers Wiz

customer review, latina

The Best Decision

"Becoming a chiropractic patient was the best decision I could have made. I was oblivious to the benefits of getting adjustments. Not only does it help me physically, but most importantly it helped me mentally. After every adjustment, my mind feels more relaxed and as a parent I need every bit of relaxation I can get! My workouts have improved overall, my posture has also improved. I am excited for the journey chiropractic care will continue to take me on."

Working Mom

oakland, berkeley, san francisco, east bay, chiropractic craniosacral

Attention to Details

"As a queer womxn, I am appreciative of the safety I feel when I come in for an appointment. They are very present with me, respectful of my sensitivities, super easy to talk to, and very consistent with recalling the things that come up when dealing with my emotions, injuries & habits and how it could be interacting with my body. Debra is on top of the details which has been important reminders for me to feel the progress. I am much more aware of how I contribute to some of my own chronic pain. I look forward to receiving care from Debra again!"

Musician, Teacher, Sound Bath Practitioner

Values & Vision

Listening: deepening awareness in the body
  • Together we discover with curiosity and care what body patterns release stress & amplify joy with consensual care.

  • The doctor’s touch comes from the outside, but the healing happens on the inside. The more you are aware of the yes and no from your body, the easier it is to hold adjustments between visits.

  • We focus is on healing the system, not fixing the symptom.


Responsibility: nourishing our rights
  • Doctor provides quality exams, bodywork, physical therapy exercises, & supplement advice while referring to other professionals when appropriate.

  • Practice member follows through on bodywork & recommendations plans, while communicating body & mind shifts.


Murmuration: supporting community healing
  • Murmuration is the synchronicity of movement, seen in schools of fish & flocks of birds.

  • In group adjusting, you are 100% your own individual, and receive 1-on-1 treatments. And yet…

  • Personalities & values amplify a healing space. Participating as our authentically grateful selves allows all to receive the same healing benefits as a group fitness class or a choir singing.

oakland, berkeley, san francisco, east bay, chiropractic craniosacral

Before Coming In

Fern leaf


Free Ten Minute Consult

Over a video telehealth call, Dr. Debra will hear your needs and create a customized first visit experience. 

In the Office

Fern leaf


History & Exam

Your first visit starts with a comprehensive history followed by a neurological, orthopedic, osteopathic & chiropractic exam. If there is time, the first adjustment is given. 


The 'Doc Talk'

 Your second visit is included in the price of your first visit! It is 20 minutes long and explains the exam findings & recommendations. If you choose to purchase, an adjustment is given with plenty of time to ask questions,  becoming a 40 min appointment.  


Staying on Track

Visit 3 and beyond are 20 or 40 minutes. With a membership, you can stack credits to choose the time. 1 credit = 20 min. 2 credits = 40 min. There are no 60 min adjustments. Adjustments are a combination of chiropractic, craniosacral, physical therapy, organ massage & energy work. This is in a community adjusting room. 


Re-exams continue to track your progress and are roughly every 12 visits. Re-exams are unique: one credit for 40 minutes. 

Musings on Social Media

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teaching education workshop

Events for your Community

The best doctors are those who are educators.

Book an interactive workshop or an engaging booth. 

Try it out!

Wanna get a feel for the care before an exam?

Book a 20 minute community session.

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Opening Hours
430 40th Street Oakland Ca

Wednesday 10:00 AM - 1:40 PM

Thursday 5:20 PM - 7:20 PM

Friday 1:20 PM - 6:00 PM

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