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Does a gentle adjustment work as well as a forceful one?

Yes, and it can be even more effective. Consider the story of King Arthur and the Sword in the Stone. It was precision and attunement that pulled the sword, not strength and might.


Should I come in when I'm in pain? What if I'm not in pain? 

 Yes and yes! Feel free to schedule day of and support the signals your body is telling you when in pain. If you are on a membership, it is best to schedule yourself out for the month: this creates a sense of safety in the body that it will be taken care of. When pain signals aren't firing, it is usually easier to work on the deeper root causes of the dis-ease when the body is not flared up.

How long do I need to stay with Chiropractic care? 

Just like fitness goals, bodies take time to reach new heights, especially nervous systems. This is why the memberships are discounted from the 'pay as you go' plan. It takes 3 months for joint, ligament and disc to begin the remodeling. It takes 2 months for muscles to begin deep relaxation and healing.  For nervous system, organ system and musculoskeletal body resilience, a whole year generates lasting results. Many people continue for the benefits of an attuned nervous system and a preventative approach to health. 

Do you take insurance?

We do not bill your insurance but can provide you a superbill to send to your carrier. We do take HSA cards for payment.

Call your insurance and ask about these CPT codes:

Exam: 99201. Re-exam: 99211.

Adjustment: 98940, 98941, 98942, 98943.

Acute care: -AT suffix at the end of the code. 

Medicare: Dr. Debra is currently in the application process of taking Medicare. Learn more about this program at 

Do you take personal injury? 



Personal Injury will be priced around the same amount as ‘pay as you go’ plan. PI is taken on a case by case basis. 


You may ask the doc to wear a mask, but other patients will not be asked unless mandated by the county. Please text the office if you are sick and we will make arrangements. 

What is your 

covid & illness


What is your return/refund policy? 

You can cancel your membership for the following month at no charge. If you wish to cancel mid month, your order will be returned except for credit card processing fees (which may range from $25 - $75+). Unused sessions do not roll over to the next month.   

What is a credit vs. an adjustment?

First off, credits are only part of a monthly membership subscription. It is a unique feature that allows for you to mix and match the duration or time of your adjustments. Adjustments are what chiropractors call a bodywork session. 

Credit = time at the office.

Adjustment = bodywork session.

 1 Credit = 20 min adjustment. 

2 Credits = 40 min adjustment.


So if you bought the sustain membership twice in one month, aka eight credits, you could see Dr. Debra 8 times for 20 minutes or 4 times for 40 minutes - or a combination of both. 


Credits do not roll over to the next month. 

Why Chiropractic?

We go to the dentist to keep our teeth clean and an optomitrist for our glasses. We go to the medical physician for lab tests, drugs and surgery. A therapist for our emotional needs. But the human body needs more care than clean teeth, healthy eyes, drugs, tests, surgeries and emotional support!


A chiropractor is the premier option in maintaining your body's muscles, ligaments & nervous system. How much dis-ease could be prevented if our nervous systems were running at 100%? How much less aches and pains would there be, giving you more time to do the things you love?

Can I 'try before I buy'?

Yes! On the new member page, click on 'Try it out: bodywork session.' This is also great for friends and family who are out of town or if you'd like to give a bodywork session as a gift. No chiropractic care will be given, but see the next FAQ for what will be provided.

What bodywork could happen during an adjustment? What are your techniques? 

 Drop Table is profound way to realign joints, ligaments and the nervous system. It is a special table with levers to lift sections of the body off the table that only chiropractors can use. 

Spring Loaded Instrument is a gentle yet effective way to 'reawaken' nerves and creates more mobility in the joint. It is a chiropractic adjustment. 

HVLA is for realigning the nervous system, ligaments and joints. It is the snazzy 'snap crackle pop' where the body is put into a big range of motion and then a quick force is applied. Also known as a spinal manipulation or an adjustment that is just as effective as the other techniques.

Barral Organ Massage is considered the 'missing link' in chronic pain. When organs are immobile, they send pain signals to muscles. Chronic low back pain could be a stuck kidney. This is an osteopathic technique also known as visceral manipulation. 

Craniosacral is for realigning head, neck and spine hydraulics. It works wonders for migraines, low back pain and concussions. This is an osteopathic technique that access the same spot as an epidural. 

Biogeometric Integration is a form of energy work that helps realign the chakras. It is a form of Chiropractic that is an offshoot of Network Spinal Analysis.

Physical Therapy Exercises  help maintain posture and nervous system attunement. These are mostly done at home, but Dr. Debra will sprinkle feedback throughout the membership.  

Assisted stretching is also a physical therapy modality. It brings oxygen to muscles and helps hold an adjustment. 

Questions are Encouraged

Book a free ten minute phone call with the Doc!

Phone on Desk

430 40th Street Oakland Ca

See the bottom of the home page or the Google business profile for the most up to date hours. 

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